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Kosli is a DevOps change management platform for storing a record of compliance controls. It helps financial institutions, medical device...
Google has always been a leader when it comes to security culture and their approach to managing a secure development lifecycle is no exception. This...
In this blog we’ll explain how to automate the change and release compliance in a Secure Software Development Lifecycle. Kosli is a new technology...
Imagine you’re a Fintech CTO 🤓 with several teams and tens of microservices. Do you know what’s currently running in prod? How about yesterday? A...
At Kosli we do as much of our work as possible in a group setting, especially (but not limited to) programming. In our experience most tech teams...
In Kosli, we use Artifact Binary Provenance as the foundation for our audit trails. Artifact Binary Provenance is a fancy term, but the idea behind it...